so today the whole family was here... you know, some of the cousins, aunts and uncles, and grand parentals. and my bro and sis and their kids. i was hugging and kissing on aaliyah and i asked her if she knew how much i loved her.
it went kind of like this...
"aaliyah, do you know how much i love you?"
her response-
"... too good."
then my darling brothers were chasing each other around the house. keep in mind they are almost 19 and 16 years old. Derek hit Dylan and then he quickly tattled to my mom... "mom, tell derek no hitting on Easter!"
anyway- i hope your Easter was too good. and that you saved the hitting for another day. i will post pictures, soon!
these pictures make me sad. why did you make me check your blog?
the lonely sister.
pretty much that is my favorite thing she says!!! Ps. the boys did hit a lot yesterday and the day before that....