Monday, April 20, 2009

warm water problem

lately our showers have consisted of about 5 mintues of warm water... which means right when you get to the shaving your legs part- the water turns freezing cold. everytime, without fail. sometimes i feel like bear grylls and i stick it out in the ice cold water and shave my legs... sometimes... well, you know, i wear pants that day.

so we've had the maintenance man here a lot this past week. it is always something new that is wrong... like today, the valve was cracked. it wasn't cracked yesterday when he looked at it, but it is cracked today. interesting. but what i love the most is that if i leave my door open just the tiniest bit i can hear him talking to himself. usually its things like, "oops", "daw gone it", "uh oh", "seriously?" or my personal favorite that he says multiple times a day, "aw, nuts."

and after each witty phrase quickly i say to myself, that's what she said. it's a fun game to help studying for tests become enjoyable. trust me, it works wonders. i think i am going to ace my finals.


  1. bahahahahahaha! Stace! I heard him today! I thought he was on the phone or something! hahahhahaha

  2. haha... that has seriously got to be my FAVORITE game... that's what she said. ; )
