I went home on Dylan's 16th birthday! :) Yes, you heard it. The big 1-6. Thank goodness he so nicely informed my mother that "there will be LOTS of girls, now." Last time I checked the Jensen boys always bring around lots of girls. I wonder if that just means it will be magnified now that he can date them? OH, brother... literally.
He was in Beauty and the Beast at the High School. He played Gaston- quite fitting. My favorite part- "How can you read this? It has no pictures!" Typical.
Derek and I, with our sweet charm and batted eyelashes, convinced mom to write Dylan a sick note to get out of school so we could go to Santa Cruz for lunch. Nothing fixes a "sick boy" better than pizza my heart.
Then... we rent to Reno. Classic Jensen family vacation. You might go to Europe (Ashley Molinaro) to celebrate a graduation... or maybe you go visit your boyfriends family. Maybe you take a cruise to enjoy the sun and relax. Well, brothers and sisters, every year, without fail, we attend the Jam On It basketball tourney in Reno- and no... there is no where else we would rather be.
Upon resentfully returning home- we went to visit my boyfriends in Oakland. Yes, they continue to do well- and their pants still fit them nicely.
Dylan went to Prom and Dylan had Pops Concert. He is popular and busy, and so very handsome! Can I say that?
Derek turned 19!! And did a few other things... I'll save that for a different post because it is mucho importante. :)
I babysat some cute girls... we built Fairy house and sang High School Musical songs. They even re-inacted some of the scenes for me... I kept waiting for Zac Efron to show up... but to no avail. Oh well, we had a good time anyway.
And then today... Ash and I flew back to Utah. It's never fun saying bye to my family. I love them a lot, and we have a lot of fun together. We especially bond the best through inappropriate comments or pushing each other around. But when we are nice to each other, Mom likes us more- so we lean that way as much as possible. Even though she is a bully, too. Everyone should know that. :) MAMA J KNOWS HOW TO HOLD HER OWN. DO NOT MESS WITH HER.
Life is wonderfully grand.
That is all.
It's a lot.
Stacccciiiieeee!!! Is there anyway I could persuade you to watch my small child on Friday so I can go to Zach Barney's wedding?? It's at 1 and I need to be there at 12:30... mom and dad are going too! I would love you FOR-EV-ER and I would be totally good for a treat-ish item of your choice! If you can't do it, I totally understand =)
ReplyDeleteAround June 1st I was so missing Gilroy and I wanted to go to the Pop's Concert so bad. And the play too! Next time I go home I need to go when you will be there too. 10 times more fun.
Do you have an address for Derek? I would love to send him some snail mail. I hear it's a pretty hot commodity, that.
Talk to you soon!!
Holy moly, you are all so beautiful! But, holy freak, Derek! Why'd you have to grow up on me and look at Zoolander modelesque? Such a cutie! Mer-man!