Friday, January 15, 2010

from experience.

Once upon a time, from an all knowing choir director, I learned the phrase:
"Sing right, Pee white."

It makes complete sense. The more you drink, the clearer your tinkle becomes. (Is it weird that I am talking about tinkle on this blog? I guess if you are my friend, which obviously you are, or want to be, because you want to be amused for a few minutes, you should have expected something like this...) Back to where I was headed... I learned a new something this week.

I have been sick off and on, and have had an on and off twitching eye for the past week- So I decided I would be good and take my vitamins, eat my vitamin C and iron supplements, and call it good... even when people look at me ridiculously because they think I am winking at them in the hallway. No, sir, you with the white patch under your chin because you OBVIOUSLY went tanning last night, are not as cute as you think.

Moral of the story. My multivitamin has 300 mg of vitamin C in it-- that is 500% of my daily value. What? I was also taking a vitamin SOLELY for vitamin C? Yes... it has 500 mg. Which means for 3 plus days, I have been getting well over 1,000% of my daily needed vitamin C intake. The good news is, as opposed to other things your body takes in, if you don't absorb it, you just pee it out. I wouldn't have caught my mistake had I not been one of the 96% of American's that "take a peek" before they flush...

New phrase--- "Be a healthy fellow, Pee (VERY) yellow."

1 comment:

  1. Dear Stacie,
    Thank you for the advice. I will take it to heart (or potty).
    Love, Bri
