Tuesday, January 12, 2010

special thanks to Mama J...

life update- version 2010 point 1.

In N Out may have come to Utah-- but because I knew I was going home to California just a few weeks later, I decided to veto the 2.5 hour line, and the possibility of... oh, lets say, mad cow? Only experienced In N Outers can toast my buns.

Class of 2005 had a pseudo 5 year reunion. That is gross and amusing all at the same time. I continued to be the "Mormon that doesn't drink- but is still really cool." If only I had known I would carry that title the rest of my life. Whenever I feel sad or alone, I will just remember that my Gilroy High School friends always liked me, even though I was sober. Hey- I made a really good beer pong partner, I was one of the first people drafted. It is amazing how easy it is to win those games when your vision is still 20-20.

Aaliyah and I had a pre Christmas gift giving party... We purchased new bathing suits... and had a girls only gossip session in the hot tub. Enough said.

New Years proved to be another overly entertaining and completely unnecessary holiday. Too bad I am such a sucker for fireworks. Jen and I stayed inside until about 11:52pm and then had to decide whether we wanted to spend the celebration on one side of the Gallivan Center with the Jump and Jive'rs, or the Bumb and Grind'ers. I will let your mind wander on which one we chose. And then, at 11:58pm, a real gentleman of a man (exaggeration) approached us- "Hey, I am looking for a New Years kiss for one of my friends, could you help me out?" Jen and I told him we had BF's that were in California. His response- "Your bf's aren't with you on New Years?" Crap- valid argument. (Too bad we don't even have BF's in the first place...) We should've gone with... "OH! How romantic! We would LOVE to help you find someone!"

Mama J and baby brother Dylan came to visit for a few days! (aka NOOOOT long enough.) Of course we had to hit up a snowy activity... and Solider Hollow seemed to allow us to exert the least amount of energy. Special thanks to the conveyor belt that pulls you up the mountain... and the all to kind man working at the top. Oh did I forget to mention the gloves covering Ashley's WEDDING RING. The man at the top of the lift was very adamant about getting to know her... until by the the 4th time she dropped the word "husband" and all he could muster up was "Oh.... ya... right, cool." Good thing that was the last time we went to the top.

So far so good this year. I will make an attempt at being better at blogging... but not for your sake, mostly for mine. I know, it is selfish, but I need to get my mother to lay off me.

happy life. :)

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