Saturday, August 1, 2009

bicycle built for two.

It was decided that if Neal was going to come down from Salt Lake to go out- that I had to plan the crazy thing we would do. (Not having to make the drive was way worth it and I think I got the better end of the bargain. Good thing he didn't figure that out. Shhhh.... don' telllllll nobody.) For those of you who know me, this is NOT a daunting task- esp when the boy is equally if not MORE random than I am... (I know, you prob don't think that is even possible... well, IT IS!) It took about 2 minutes of contemplating and the final result was as follows-
A picnic and a tandem bike!!!
Darling BriAnna made this beautiful picnic basket nice and picnic-y. We loaded it with all our sandwich condiments (I made sure to pack mayo and mustard in case Neal wanted it- cause I hate it... and when we got to the park he handed me the mayo and said "Want this?" and I said... "Oh, no... I thought you would." He laughed and put it down. Then he grabbed the mustard and said "Want this?" and I said... "Oh, no... I thought you would." And then he laughed again, and set it down next to the nasty mayo. SOO glad we are on the same page with the acceptable condiments.)
After we were done playing at the park, and popping wheelies, we went to Snowie for SnoCones on 7th East. It was buy one get one free if you rolled up on a tandem bike- hmmm, what is with us and these buy something get something free deals?
Moral of the story- get your booty down to University Ave and rent one of those bad boys- it was only $20 for the whole day... SOOO worth it. I couldn't figure out how to drive it to save my life- but by the end of the night- Neal gave me a second chance and took me to a parking lot to let me practice driving. That is trust. I felt like I was 16 getting my license all over again. Except he was much nicer than the "Dragon Lady"- and he didn't dock me points for not coming to a full and complete stop- in fact, he encouraged it so we wouldn't fall over.
happy life. :)

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