My New Years resolution is NOT to blog more- but, when in Rome...
The thing is, I have never been too hip on resolutions. (I am hip on a lot of things, and I am hip in general, but resolutions have never been one of my hippest moments of life.) However, after some deep thinking, for about five minutes, I decided maybe some resolutions wouldn't be such a bad idea. More than anything, I think it is a great opportunity to evaluate where I am, where I've been, and where I am headed.
2011- Incredible.
New Job.
New House.
New Friends. (I kept the old too, relax.)
New Ward.
New Chevron print rug.
New Niece. (x2)
2012- Potential.
Back to School.
Travel. (Tentatively speaking- Mexico and GREECE? For completely selfish reasons, I need Greece to hurry up and get over their "unrest." It's cramping my vacay style.)
New ACL in the Spring.
Moral of the story- Happy New Year!
I can't think of a better way to welcome 2012 than to just embrace it.
If you want to make some resolutions, do it.
But if you want to start them in February, or March, or April, that's okay too.
Any time is the perfect time to decide to be a little better and try a little harder.
If I waited til every Jan. 1st to change things up, I would be GRUMPY Jan. 2nd- Dec. 31st.
I love change. I thrive off of change. I am voting for it in 2012.
Behind this 100%. And I'm super happy for you and your new ACL!