Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another resolution!

I haven't really said much about my resolutions because I don't want you to feel sad if yours pale in comparison. Orrr, maybe it's because I don't want to be held accountable if I slack a little--- but hey, we are trying. For a 24 year old who has never been to hip on resolutions, this is good progress. Please take a gander at the following photo...

... Notice anything strange for a technology lover such as myself?
Take your time. This isn't a timed test.
You may notice how stinking cute my new niece is, or that I have 4 words with friends games to catch up on, but, keep looking...
I, Stacie Ann Jensen, put myself on a wee little hiatus from the facebook.
And it feels great.

I have always loved the dynamics of relationships. And I mean that in every sense. I love friendships with girls, friendships with boys, with the neighbors, dating, watching people interact (especially that one), and trying to figure people out. I quickly found myself getting into a rut with the easy accessibility of signing on and finding out what people are "up to" lately. Then proceeding to call it good and feel satisfied that I know what is going on in their life. Reality check!! Facebook isn't real life! I know, it is so hard to believe, and some of you may not believe me- and to you I SMH (shake my head-- it is cool high school lingo I just learned). So yes, I SMH. Moral of the story- my facebook is deactivated in an effort to live up to a 2012 resolution. To see more faces. To be a better friend and go out of my way to meet up with people that matter to me.

The challenge officially started on Sunday.
I've already seen friends that I haven't seen in over a year and a half- I was nervous that maybe there was an underlying reason I hadn't seen them in so long, but it turns out I was just sucking at life for a little bit. Or a lotta bit.

Happy 2012! I hope you are all sticking to the resolutions that are important to you. Because I am sure that you don't stink at it as much as I do.

Happy life. :)

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