Friday, January 4, 2013

mister robb

This is my favorite teacher in the history of ever, ever. I made sure to get home a few days early so that I could make it to his last Winter Concert, and I am so glad I did. I hope you guys have had someone effect you in the way Mr. Robb has for me.

When I was in High School, I was a choir nerd to the max. Hard to believe because of how cool I am now, I know. But we live, we learn, and we get super cool. I can easily and confidently say that Mr. Robb has been, outside of my family, the biggest influence in my life. I spent at least 5 hours a day in his classroom, and in a weird way I feel like it is where I grew up. (My first kiss was in the choir room... Oh, tender!) He is retiring this year, and I honestly feel like our little city and High School won't be the same without him. His passion for life and all things good made me realize I could be passionate about things, too. His love of music made me embrace it, instead of hiding it because it maybe wasn't the "cool" thing to do. His desire for us to succeed pushed me to do better so that I wouldn't let him down. I am so grateful he put up with me for so many years, because he has no idea how his patience and kindness ultimately shaped me. High School is a rough time, and I can say it was a little bit easier because Peej was there, all the time.
(It was NOT a resolution to be sappy, it is just happening!)

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