Thursday, January 3, 2013

two thousand and thirteen

Here's the things--- yes, plural--- in no way, shape, or form have I ever been a New Years resolutions girl. Ever. In 25 years of life. Maybe it is my lack of commitment, or maybe I just resolve at anytime of the year... Regardless, this year, it is happening. Last year, Clay inspired me to try a new resolution a month- I made it til March. Hey, some is always better than none. This year, I'm going to make it all twelve months. ALL of them.
In church on Sunday, a man whom was speaking urged us to write down our goals. That way- we were responsible. (Doi, how many times have we learned this?) By so doing, even if we fell short, we didn't fail completely. Call me crazy, but I like the idea of not failing. So, here it comes...
My monthly resolutions...
January: No personal "want" shopping. *exceptions: I "want" deodorant, and I will have it.*
February: Write more "thank you" and "thinking of you" notes.
March: No more swears!!
April: Be a bit more selfish- it's okay to work on ourselves, and I need to remember that.
May: Take a trip- no seriously- I want to explore. And I want to not understand the people around me.
Okay, so maybe my list stops here... I want to leave this open to the flowing of my creative juices. There really are not enough months in the year for all the creativity I have built up inside of me. One day I am going to just explode. And it is going to be beautiful. Until then, I will keep pinning- faithfully, routinely, happily.
I know giving up (said: limiting the consumption of) diet coke needs to be on this list... I just really am not ready to accept that reality. We all work at our own speed.
But, the most important of all of these, is to fortify my relationship with, and faith in, my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. That resolution will make all these others just the icing on the cake. And we all know how much I love cake.

life is good.


  1. your my favorite part of my 2012. cheers to another year of friendship. i love this list and you.

  2. Silly Stacie... No alcohol is better than some! :)

  3. haha March is my favorite. You want to travel?? Travel to Southern California!!
