Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the list goes on, and on, and on

Day 3:
I am thankful for sudafed. This girl seems to like to get sinus infections every month during the winter. My head is pounding, but it is nothing some pill popping can't fix. I've always wanted to say that. Hey, Stacie, do you do drugs? Ya-- big time. But it's for medicinal purposes, so obviously it's okay. And I like it.

Day 4:
I am thankful for the ability to see when someone is in need, and for the opportunity to serve. I am equally, if not more grateful for the tender mercies my Heavenly Father lays before me, and for the people He puts in my life to help lighten my load.

Day 5:
Enough said.
Pumpkin anything, really.

Day 6:
Oh, Oh, Oh I am so obsessed and so grateful for the babies in my life.
Honestly, they might be my most favorite thing in the history of ever.

Day 7:
I am grateful for the United States of America. I am nervous/ anxious/ intrigued to see what the next 4 years will hold. I feel privileged to live in a place that allows us to cast our votes. I am thankful to the people who are patient and kind and understanding. I am thankful for the people who maybe didn't get their way, but can step up and realize it just means we all need to be a little better, and that maybe we need to take more responsibility for ourselves and for our actions if we want to see change. I am thankful I can even express my opinions and have educated conversations regarding those opinions. In 4 years, I will be 29-- so, I mean, things can't get much worse than that. OLDIE MOLDY!

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